Amarte Fonds

Thuisreis: Onwerkelijk Amazonia

Jeisson Drenth

Thuisreis: Onwerkelijk Amazonia is an extraordinary experiment in cross-disciplinary audiovisual design and performance. In his first solo performance with his own live music and text, Jeisson Drenth takes the audience on a journey to his native Colombia. There he stages an encounter with both his past and his future. In a poetic and also critical way, he expresses the feelings of detachment and displacement that characterize people who become adopted - people who find themselves in a web of children's wishes, good intentions, mismanagement. In his search for inner strength and connection, he builds a forest of timelines in which loss and reconciliation converge into an exciting hyper (un)real audiovisual experience.

Media and performance artist Jeisson Drenth's work explores the possibilities and limitations of modern technology for people to shape their past, present and future. His work creates new relationships between diverse creative disciplines; live visuals, poetry and music come together in his practice. In his hands, these various media and techniques are shaped by his perspective as an adopted queer person of color with a migratory past. Collaborations with musicians and DJs are a great source of inspiration for him.