Amarte Fonds


Leah Uijterlinde

Leah Uijterlinde received a grant to develop a new album. The compositions of Mamar blend elements of classical and traditional makam music with harmonic jazz structures. The members, with backgrounds in both jazz and modal music, share a common interest in modality and intonation within Turkish and Arabic traditions. The name Mamar, meaning "passage" or "path," reflects music as a vehicle for emotional expression and the exploration of life's questions.  

Leah is a multi-instrumentalist with a background in jazz and world music. She graduated cum laude as a jazz vocalist from Codarts University of the Arts in Rotterdam and later specialized in Turkish clarinet, deepening her understanding of the makam tradition. Additionally, her interest in Brazilian music grew through her travels to Brazil. Leah performs across Europe with The Magic Mumble Jumble and leads multiple musical projects. With Madhara, she combines Indian, Turkish, and Brazilian influences in original compositions focused on dance and ritual celebrations. Mamar fuses jazz and modal music in a crossover approach, while Jabuticaba explores the rhythms and melodies of the Brazilian musical tradition.