Jam van der Aa received a contribution for writing the book Proxy. In a constant attempt to "get the best" out of herself, Sardien moves into a ramshackle house with a south-facing garden. She quits her job as a manual writer and begins a career as an influencer to make her passion, gardening, her job. What about her? Since no one has ever asked her that question, she has never seriously asked herself either. Who is she anyway?
Jam completed the Academy of Art and Design St. Joost as an autonomous visual artist and then did the teacher training program at ArtEZ Arnhem. During those years she also took courses in psychology (propaedeutic) and philosophy at RU. Currently she writes regularly for publications such as De Optimist, OneWorld, Papieren Helden and Mister Motley. She is also an author at and an editor at De Optimist.